Noe was sweet and wuiet at first. In fact Howard said "She seems kind of listless", well that lasted all of a day! Tank
took right to her, he in fact became her "mommy", a big 110lb rottweiler male mommy.
Tank will still clean her, let her eat first, take his toys and bite is lip til he cries. He is just so sweet with her.
Noe on the other hand has made it clear she believes herself to be the alpha bitch, and that is just the way it is. She
barks to go out, barks to play, barks to go to bed, barks, barks, barks! She can catch a tennnis ball, destroy a roll of toilet
paper in two minutes, eat the stuffing out of a chair, BUT her all time favorite activity is swimming in the fish pond. She
gets herself in there and just has a grand old time.
Noe has had two bladder infections now and we may have to put her on a prescription dog food for the rest of her life.
Would be just our luck, but we can deal with it. She is the cutest, craziest puppy, she is well worth the effort. She
really needed to be extra cute, given her need for attention!
Tank has accepted her and loves to play with her, his gentleness astounds us!