For the Love of Bella, Sadie and Tank

In Memory of Bella and Sadie

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The Rainbow Bridge

"Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;
they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
The bright eyes are intent, the eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to break away from the group,
flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face,
your hands again caress his beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you pass over Rainbow Bridge together ......."

~ Author (sadly) Unknown ~

A Prayer for Animals

Hear our humble prayer,
O God,
for our friends, the animals,
especially for those who are suffering;
for any that are lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry.

We entreat for them all
Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.

Make us, ourselves,
to be true friends to animals
and so to share
the blessings
of the merciful.

Albert Schweitzer


God Summoned A Beast (A Fable)

Author unknown

God summoned the beast from the field and He said
"Behold, man is created in my image. Therefore adore him.
You shall protect him in the wilderness,
shepherd his flocks, watch over his children,
accompany him wherever he may go...
even into civilization.
You shall be his companion, his ally, his slave."

"To do these things," God said, "I endow you with the
instincts uncommon to other beasts:
Faithfulness, Devotion and Understanding
surpassing those of man himself.
Lest it impair your courage,
you shall never foresee your death.
Lest it impair your loyalty,
you shall be blind to the faults of man.
Lest it impair your understanding,
you are denied the power of words.
Speak to your master only with your mind
and through your honest eyes."

"Walk by his side; sleep in his doorway;
ward off his enemies; carry his burden;
share his afflictions; love and comfort him.
And in return for this,
Man will fulfill your needs and wants...
which shall be only food, shelter and affection."

"So be silent and be a friend to man.
Guide him through the perils along the way
to this land I have promised him.
This shall be your destiny and your immortality."

So spoke the Lord.



The Essential Rottie Owner's Contract...

Written by Linda Smith


I do hereby swear that I/we will abide by all the terms & conditions specified below.Upon signing this contract I fully understand that all my Rottweilers dreams will be realized for ever more and they shall assume their rightful position as the center of the universe, leaving me as a mere human slave.


My Rottweilers desires are always paramount. My Rottweiler's wish is my command.

GIVE, SHUT UP and LEAVE IT are useless requests, so I will stop using them.

I will not yell at my Rottweiler for slobbering everywhere after drinking, then chase him around the house with a "drool towel."

I will not abandon my Rottweiler for trivial reasons like "going to work".

I will not yell at my Rottweiler for creating "chew toys" from objects they find laying around.

I will try much harder to understand my Rottweilers language.

I will never go socializing with other canines without my Rottweiler.

I will set up the "kiddie wading pool" every day it is hot.

I will not laugh at my Rottweiler for being confused over not being able to find the lump of ice he buried earlier in the day.


I will not chase my Rottweiler around yelling COME! when he is busy socializing.

I will not complain my arm is tired after only throwing the ball 50 times.

I will not confuse my Rottweiler by throwing snowballs for him to fetch.

I will not ask my Rottweiler to play fetch with a boomerang.

I will not drag my Rottweiler from interesting sniffing spots during our walkies.

I will not hide or place my Rottweiler's ball in a place where I know he couldn't possibly retrieve it from and then ask him to go and get it.

I will drop whatever I am doing and take my Rottweiler out as soon as he asks me to.

A little rain and a cool breeze is no excuse for not walking my Rottie.


I will not run out of treats.

I will always carry around cookies & treats and will instruct all my friends to do likewise.

I will never eat anything until my Rottweiler has tasted what I have and approved it for me.

I will share everything I eat with my Rottweiler.

I will not cut my Rottweilers toenails ever, ever again.

I will stop referring to my Rottweiler's necklace as his "choke chain".

I will not bathe my Rottie after he has just bathed himself in mud puddles, cow pats or dead animal remains.


I will not sneak around the backyard, wearing funny clothes and a face mask, to test whether my Rottweiler is a good watchdog.

I will not yell at my Rottweiler to "HURRY UP ALREADY" when he's just looking for the right spot to take care of business.

Once he has found an acceptable spot, I will not stare while my Rottweiler is doing his business.

I will not ask my Rottweiler to retire to his crate anymore.

I will open the back door as soon as my Rottweiler sits by it.

I will never again leave my Rottweiler at home if I intend to go driving in the car.


I will not bring home anymore cats.

I will get rid of all those cats we currently own.

I will not feed the cat before I feed my Rottweiler.

I will protect my Rottweiler from all obnoxious little human things at all times.

I will not have another one of those obnoxious little human things.


I will not make my Rottie wear silly looking antlers or red Santa hats.

I will not make my Rottweiler pose for pictures with some fat stranger in a red suit.

I will not tie leftover ribbons, tinsel and bows all over my Rottweiler and call it "Christmas Spirit".

I will accept that my Rottweiler shall play with the green tree covered in shiny ball-like ornaments.

I will remember to stuff a stocking and buy several presents for my Rottie.